Poster Presentation

I attended the Connecticut Counseling Association Annual Conference today and was proud to present a poster presentation. My topic was Understanding and Counseling Immigrants.

I have to thank a number of people in inspiring  me to do this presentation. Nataly, a good friend from my previous job in NYC, has always been very motivating. She helps me realize that nothing is impossible. She always reminds me that I am talented and competent in what I am doing. Although Nat has left the U.S., her significant influence on me will alway remain. Nat, I miss you!I also have to thank Dr. Smith, my group counseling professor, who encouraged me to do a poster presentation. I was delighted that CCA accepted my proposal.

It took me quite some time to research on the topic and to plan and create my poster. The last two weeks were exhausting. With a full-time job, a full-time course load, and seasonal allergy in full swing, I really had little time left to focus on this. I am glad that it came out alright. It was a great feeling to receive recognitions and positive feedback from professors, colleagues, and conference participants. Now, I’m just ready for a great and relaxing weekend.

(You can click on the following to zoom in.)

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