Happy Anniversary

Yes, it’s a year since our wedding. Time flies! Stephen ordered me a cute bouquet of flowers.It was delivered to our home when we were just waking up on Saturday morning. I made Stephen answer the door, then of course he came back up with the flowers.

from 1800-flowers

from 1800-flowers

Today, we revisited Kitano, the hotel where we stayed at last year. We had Kaiseki at the Japanese restaurant there.

Appetizer from the Lady's Kaiseki menu




We then went to the Shubert Theatre to watch Noel Coward’s Blithe Spirit. It’s a comedy – really funny – about a ghost called Elvira. More info: http://www.playbill.com/events/event_detail/16471.html

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1 Response to Happy Anniversary

  1. Fiona Chan says:

    Oooops…. belated Happy Paper Anniversary! New mothers are forgetful!! Still recall the beautiful wedding at the loft and of course the very touching vows you both exchanged.
    Many more happiness to come!!

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