Grannies Chien visiting

I am glad that my 嫲嫲 and 爺爺 (paternal grannies) came to visit me in New Haven. I do have to say that my skin was in perfect condition until the day before they arrived. I hope my rash did not scare them. I am glad that they got to see me cry in the daycare too (although they did not come to my rescue)… Anyway, I’m proud to show grandma that I have improved significantly at the daycare. At least, I didn’t cry when mama came to pick me up on Thursday. In fact, Ms. Erin told mama that I stopped crying as soon as she walked out of the room. I still like being home with mama but I am feeling more comfortable at the daycare.

Grandpa only stayed for a few days. I wish he could stay longer but bummer, we are in the boring New Haven! Grandpa bought me a LeapFrog musical table. It was nice to spend some quality time with grandpa exploring my new toy. I can’t play with it that well yet because I still have to learn how to sit. However, I found it more amusing to play with my feet. I also played “row row row the boat” with grandpa! Btw, grandpa taught me a special way to bid goodbye – bumping heads together!

I also got a chance to visit NYC again. On Saturday, mama and baba bought tickets to see the Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo, featuring Robin Williams. They booked a hotel room in NYC so I could spend some time with grandma alone. We played for a while but then I fell asleep on the bed. That night, we went to Hatsuhana Sushi Restaurant for a nice dinner. I fell in love with the “box of dream”. My drool started dripping as I was staring at the beautiful set. Unfortunately, I was told that it was only for adults!! I have to stick with my boring veggie puree!

The next morning, I woke up early as usual. My parents were forced to retreat from the room early because my poop really stink the room. We went to the Pastis for brunch before heading back to New Haven.

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