Toronto-Quebec City Trip 2023

This spring break, we went to visit our grannies in Canada. We started our trip in Toronto, visiting relatives and Amy’s family. We also met up with the Ganis. After a few days, we started our road trip to Montreal.

We stayed in Old Montreal and toured the beautiful neighborhood. We also visited the Science Center and rode the Ferris wheel. At night, we watched a light show inside the Notre Dame Basilica of Montréal.

After two days in Montreal, we continued our trip to Quebec City. However, we were aware that a snowstorm was approaching and decided to leave earlier. We barely beat the snowstorm as it started to snow heavily after we arrived.

In Quebec City, we stayed at the Le Chateau Frontenac Hotel. We went back to the place where I proposed to Michelle in 2006. We also joined a city tour and explored the town, including riding the funicular.

After a few more days in Toronto, we took our Air Canada flight back to San Francisco.

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